Rebrand, integrated campaign
Dairy doesn’t have to be dull
Milk, butter, cottage cheese. These aren’t huge passion points for most.
We set out to change that for the Northwest’s largest dairy co-op.

Musical Fridge
Darigold asked for a live sampling event in Portland.
We put on the world’s first refrigerator rock concert.
Who’s the Better Butter Mayor?
It was a tight race, but the Butter Bust of candidate Mike McGinn got more votes on Facebook.
Then he lost the mayor’s race. Just goes to show you that if people could use Facebook to vote for things, the world might be different.

Linda Christensen is a professional butter sculptor. This is Linda carving a butter bust of Mayor Ed Murray.

Hailey won our Better Butter Contest by voting online, so we sculpted her. Then we gave her her own billboard.
The Dariachi Band
Cinco de Mayo needed something nuevo. Something white and creamy. Despite not being authentically Mexican, people liked the band, their catchy tunes and our free nachos with Darigold Sour Cream.

Seattle calls this trolley the SLUT. I call it classy.
Naturally White Cheddar
Darigold asked us to help them launch White Cheddar—the biggest product launch in 30 years.
So naturally, we did this campaign. Along with bikes to peddle cheddar around the Northwest.

Parents: Talk to your kids about orange cheese.